IRA’s - GCE Wealth Management

What is an IRA?

Individual Retirement Account

An IRA is a form of investment where investors can set aside money for retirement on a tax-deferred basis. When an individual withdraws money from their plan they will be taxed on this money as it will be considered income.

There are different types of IRA’s, the Roth, a Traditional IRA, SEP, and Simple IRA’s. Each type has varying benefits. There are limits the government sets for how much an individual can contribute to their plan each year. The decision is a personal one as to how much you should contribute

Our advisors are available to help you sort through your options. There is no set rule as to the amount you should invest, it’s a personal decision. Contact any of the three insurance offices in Southwest Florida to review the options and let us help you sort through the information so you are better informed.

Taxes, annual contribution limits, and distribution restrictions may apply.

IRA’s are offered by Lincoln Investment

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