Auto Insurance, Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving Can Affect Your Auto Insurance Rates

With the July 4th holiday just around the corner the insurance agents at Gulf Coast Educators Insurance caution drivers to celebrate smart over July 4th. Your auto insurance policy can take a terrible hit if caused an accident because you were under the influence of alcohol while driving.

Drunk drivers can cause accidents that can cost others their lives but the drunk driver can lose their driver’s license, gain points on their license and see a significant increase in their auto insurance rate. Insurance carriers can look at a driver who has been pulled over for drunk driving as high risk and therefore may increase what you are paying for auto insurance.

On the flip side if you have had too many car accidents (whether you’re drunk or not) you may not be able to get car insurance. Wreck-less driving, driving while intoxicated, speeding, running stop signs and traffic lights can all be costly mistakes when it comes to your car insurance policy.

The auto insurance agents at Gulf Coast Educators Insurance encourage all drivers to be safe, stay alert, don’t text, and not get behind the wheel of their car if they have been excessively drinking. If you would like a competitive auto insurance quote we encourage you to call any of our Southwest Florida car insurance offices. We offer the best in auto insurance! 


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