Looking For The Best Life Insurance?

Affordable Policies In Naples, and Ft. Myers

Which To Choose?

Term life or whole life insurance?

A life insurance policy offers protection for family members or a spouse as well as being able to provide financial coverage for funeral costs, cover bills, and pay off debt. Gulf Coast Educators Insurance offers a variety of life insurance products. The two most common policies are term life insurance and whole life insurance.

More about Term and Whole Insurance:

Term life insurance is a policy that covers a person for an allotted time period. The rate of payment is fixed for the term of the policy. After the policy expires, then a person loses coverage or has to obtain a new life insurance policy that will have different payments and conditions. Term insurance is the most affordable type of life insurance because it only lasts for a fixed period of time. If the person insured dies during the policy term then the beneficiary receives the death benefits.

Whole life insurance is an insurance policy that remains in force during the insured’s entire life. This policy offers lifetime protection. Premiums are required every year during the insured’s lifetime. A whole insurance policy doesn’t have to be expensive.

Life insurance can help a family pay off debt, keep the family in the black, and pay for funeral costs. Gulf Coast Educators Insurance suggests having a life insurance policy to ease financial burdens that can occur due to an untimely death. Even single people should consider carrying a policy so, in the event of their death, their family can use the life insurance payout to cover funeral costs, and medical bills, and pay off the insured’s debt obligations.

The best time to purchase life insurance is when you are young and healthy so you will pay a lower rate. Purchasing life insurance at any age is a good idea so don’t feel because you didn’t buy a policy earlier you should not consider it now. At any age, we recommend considering life insurance. Our caring and compassionate agents at Gulf Coast Educators Insurance are available to guide you through the various life insurance policy choices and customize a policy to your needs. Please call any of our two life insurance offices to speak with our experienced agents.


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