Auto Accident

Auto accidents are inevitable but they do happen unexpectedly. If you ever are involved in an accident you should know what exactly you should do.

The first thing you should do is call 911, whether you call or the over driver does someone needs to call. An official document needs to be made to prove who is liable for the accident or if you chose to file a personal injury lawsuit down the road. You should then gather the other driver’s information. The information you should find out is contact information, their auto insurers name and policy number, license plate number, and the make, model, and color of the driver’s vehicle. Make sure you take pictures of your vehicle and the other driver’s vehicle to show the damage. You should also know exactly where the accident occurred; take a picture to better remind you later.

If you’re injured or the other driver calling 911 is a must! If you go to the hospital make sure you document all treatment you receive, including locations, names of doctors, addresses, and telephone numbers, tests they perform, and prescription information. This information will help you if you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Next, you should open a claim. You should file your claim as soon as possible. When you contact your insurance agency you should have your policy number and must be able to recall details of the accident. Setting up a claim will help you get your car repaired, some insurance agencies have specific places where your vehicle can be repaired and be covered.
Following these steps and having the correct information for your auto insurance agency will help you get through this unexpected collision more smoothly. If you need auto insurance call Gulf Coast Educators Insurance


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